Hello parents,Halfway through the evening on parade night, the cadets will have what is called Stand Easy,
which is a small break from their activities. During this time the cadets can eat a snack that they
either brought with them or have the option of purchasing items from the Canteen, supplied and
ran by Branch members.
The cadets are allowed to purchase items up to a total of $2.00 each. As a parent you have the
option to run a tab for your cadet(s) or send cash with them to purchase items. To set up a tab
please contact the Canteen Chair, Beatrice Leek.
Below is what we will be selling at Canteen on a weekly basis:
Juice Boxes – Apple/Variety $0.75
Crush pop– Variety $1.25
Goldfish - $1.00
Ritz Snacks - $1.00
Mini Choc. Chip Cookies - $1.00
Bear Paws - $1.00
Rice Krispie Squares - $1.00
Fruit Roll Ups - $0.75
Fruit Snacks - $0.50
Money raised from Canteen helps to pay for BBQ’s, Pizza night, etc.